It’s in our ‘Butterfly Room’ the Pre-Schoolers’ continue their learning to make sure they are school ready.
What does school ready mean? Your child’s reception teacher would love to see your child socially confident and ready to make new friends in their class, as well as being independent in their self-care, taking themselves to the loo, washing their hands, and getting themselves changed ready for outdoors, or PE with minimal adult intervention.
In our Pre-School room this is our main focus, although we do learn phonics and early maths skills too. Our Pre-Schoolers have full free flow from their room, through the conservatory where they change into their outdoor gear and out into our main garden. There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing, and we ask all children to have appropriate season clothing as well as wellies with them daily.
Our Pre-Schoolers also have special activities every week, including Forest School and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths)
All of our children follow the EYFS (Early Years foundation Stage). This curriculum supports their development from birth right through to the end of their Reception Year at school.
What does this mean in the Butterfly Room?
We focus on all 7 areas of learning (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Mathematical Development, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Designs and Literacy) to support our Pre-Schoolers.
We have lots of experiences available to our Pre-Schoolers. Please check out the Additional Activities page.